How To Draw Dimebag Darrell, Dimebag Darrell

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To draw the metal head, Dimebag Darrell, we should first sketch in some basic guide line. Using a 2H or harder pencil, lightly sketch in a stick figure shape such as this one. Be sure to include the basic shape of the guitar so we know proper hand pl   


Next, we should sketch in the basic human form. Doing this will ensure that the figure is proportionate when we go to apply clothing later on. You do not need to include details such as facial feature or fingers. These lines are just guides as well.    


Our first order of business should be the face. Darrell was known for making crazy facial expressions while performing, so draw him with mouth open wide as if yelling to the crowd. Be sure to draw his upper and lower teeth, as well has a portion of h   


One of his signature looks is his long goatee. Draw a thick cluster of beard hair under the chin. Have it bound together in a short braid. Also draw a small batch of whiskers beneath his lower lip, along with a long, thin mustache that starts beneath   


Dimebag has long, frizzy hair that runs half way down his back. Draw several strands hanging in front of his face. A small portion of hair should be resting on his right should to make it look more natural.


Draw his right arm wrapped around the front of his body. His arm should be sleeveless, save for a wrist-cuff. His thumb and index finger should be curled beneath the hand as if clutching a guitar pick. Be sure to draw knuckle winkles and fingernails   


The guitar can be a tad tricky. First, start by drawing the shape of the neck. The bottom of the neck should continue beyond the right hand. The head of the guitar should be in the shape of a V.


Next, start to draw the body of the guitar. Use the base of the neck of the guitar as a guide for where to begin. Darrell was known for playing Razorback guitars, which were very geometric and jagged looking. It should have a large V shape at the bas   


Add more detail to the guitar such as a the knobs and vibrato bar. Draw 6 strings up the neck as well as the frets beneath the strings.


Now that the left arm. The hand should be wrapped around the neck of the guitar, the fingers pressing on the strings. We should only be able to see a portion of his forearm at this angle, as his body will be covering up his upper arm.


Dimebag was known for wearing sleeveless vests. Be sure to draw numerous horizontal wrinkles and folds across the vest. Also give it a short collar and a series of buttons down the middle.


Draw a portion of his pants beneath the guitar. Be sure to give them some horizontal wrinkles.


Go back to the guitar and draw the strap. It should start at the top of the body of the guitar and extend up and over Darrell's left shoulder. It should then protrude from around his lower back and connect to the bottom of the guitar spike.


Give him his signature tattoos. His upper arm features a complex tattoo that says "Cowboys from Hell" and has a guitar neck in the background, surrounded by flames, smoke, and barbed wire. The number 7 should be floating above the tattoo. His forearm   


Now that we are done penciling the image, we can ink it using a Micron marker or a brush and India ink. Carefully go over each line with patience and be sure not to accidentally ink any unneeded guide lines. Use a ruler to help you ink the straight l   


You can add more depth to the image by giving it shadow. Establish your light source and use black ink or a fat tipped black marker to shade the opposite side of the figure and every clothing wrinkle and fold. Use a brush to feather shadow in the hai   


If you need to make any corrections, use white ink or opaque white paint. You can also use it to add highlights if needed. And that's how you draw Dimebag Darrell. May he rest in peace. And rock on forever!

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April 24, 2013

Description: A step by step demonstration on how to draw Dimebag Darrell, of Pantera, in a comic book style.

#draw music #how to draw guitarists

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