How to Draw Chowder

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In this first step you will be drawing the guidelines and shapes to form a frame for Chowder. Start by drawing a big circle for his head with a frown shaped smile and a small dash of a line near the top of his head. Next draw out that curly looking s   


Now you will be first drawing the entire shape of his curly looking chef hat and the shape of his chubby face. Next using the frown shape you drew in step one draw another line to make it look like an open mouth. Next draw out the lining for his chef   


Finish off this drawing by sketching in the two almond shaped eyes and pupils. The tongue inside his mouth and the small sharp tooth that seems to be dangling there. Also draw in the fingers on the left hand and the collar on his shirt. Erase all th   


This is what your drawing of Chowder should look like when you are done. all you need to do is color him in and add him to your collection. That will do it for this tutorial on how to draw Chowder. See you all again soon.

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April 30, 2008

Description: In this tutorial I will show you how to draw another Cartoon Network star and his name is Chowder. I know most of you must know who this lovable funny character is by now and if you don’t then you should watch the show so you know just who and what I am talking about. Chowder has dreams like everyone else and his dream is to become one of the greatest chefs in the world someday. He is a young excitable apprentice that is learning from the great legendary chef Mung Daal. Now when someone dreams of becoming a chef that can only mean one thing, they love food, and that is exactly what Chowder loves, food. The show made its debut in November of 2007 on Cartoon Network. It was created by the same storyboard artist that did SpongeBob Squarepants, and The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy C.H. Greenblatt. Chowders character lives with Mung Daal and Mung's wife, Truffles, in a room at the top of the catering business which makes it very easy for him to get back and forth to work and learning the skills needed to become the great chef he wants to be. The only problem with Chowder is that he is very impulsive and he often gives in to his vises. He is an animated character that is always hungry which is why you see him eating all the time, and he is not just eating apples and chocolate, he eats everything from apples to other customers orders no matter what it is. He also has the ability to regurgitate making him a useful storage container. As for Chowders master Mung Daal, it is never mentioned how old he is, but he has mentioned in the series that he has been cooking for 386 years, and he recently celebrated 450 years of marriage to his wife Truffles (nice name for a chef to be married to huh). Chowder’s character is very distinctive in his appearance. He wears a violet purple hat (which is in the shape of two horns), shirt, and slacks and he is also a light purple in color. He is a very likeable character that anybody could love. In this tutorial you too will learn "how to draw Chowder", step by step with easy to read instructions and images. This will be a fun drawing for anyone to learn of all ages.

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