How to Draw Chibi Solid Snake

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First draw a circle for the head of chibi Snake and then add the facial guidelines. You will then draw the guidelines to make the frame for his small child like body as you see here.


The first thing you will start sketching out is his long messy hair style. Start at the top and work your way down. Be sure to draw the bandanna that he is always wearing as well because a chibi Snake wouldn't be the same without it. Once that is don   


Here is where the fun starts. Draw in his straight lined eyebrows and then draw his eyes. Next draw an upside down "V" that is rounded instead of pointy for his mouth and draw a cigarette inside of it. You will then draw the sketchy lines for his mus   


Now you can start drawing the shape of his lower body stating with the waist and hips. Once that is done draw his utility belt and then the pouches that are attached to it. Sketch in some detail and definition before you move to the next step.


Here is your last drawing step. All you have to do is draw out the coned shaped legs and draw the knee pads on chibi Snakes legs as well. Lastly draw another pouch on his left hip and then start erasing all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in    


And here you have it, another chibi video game character for the books. I hope you guys had fun with this tutorial on "how to draw chibi Snake step by step". All you need to do now is color him in!

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September 8, 2009

Description: Metal Gear Solid is one of the most popular games that has ever been created and released. As I said in my previous tutorials this past day, I am going to make it my personal goal to draw the coolest chibis around. I know you guys are liking the chibi Halo character that I drew as well as chibi Darth Vader. It is time that you all learn “how to draw chibi Solid Snake", step by step. I absolutely love the way this chibi came out. I drew this game character live yesterday in front of you all and I had a super duper time. The way he looks so tough still while being so small is epic. His little frown and small cigarette, finishes him off so nicely. Chibi Snake’s arms are also crossed because he is a very uninviting character as you all know. Like the chibi Darth Vader I drew, chibi Snake still means business no matter what size he is, or how old he seems to be. This lesson was so fun to draw and I can’t wait for you guys to use this free online drawing tutorial to teach yourself to draw chibi Snake because when you are done, you can submit your artwork for all the other boys and girls to see, including me too. Well anyways, there really isn’t too much to say except have fun with this tutorial on “how to draw chibi Snake”, step by step. I know for a fact you will love this lesson because I do too. Peace out my peeps and have a butt load of fun today.

#how to draw metal gear #how to draw snake

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