How to Draw a Peach

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First off as you can see this tutorial on how to draw a peach chibi is going to be the easiest thing you have ever drawn. Start with a medium sized circle and add the chibi face guidelines.


Next draw great big circles for the innocent looking eyes and color them in leaving behind three empty spots for the glare effect. Lastly draw a mouth in the shape of a lower case "W".


You will now draw the defining line down the middle of the chibi peach and then draw a small tip at the base. You will then draw the peach stem and one leaf as you see here. Erase all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one.


Here is your finished drawing of a peach chibi style. Fun and easy right? That will end this lesson on "how to draw a chibi peach step by step".

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September 8, 2009

Description: Here it is the fruit you have all been waiting for, a peach. This is just not any peach though, I will be giving you an online drawing lesson on “how to draw a peach chibi step by step”. I decided to draw the peach because the apple came out so awesome and it was full of cuteness. This chibi peach is the same, and even though it is insanely cute, you still have that urge to take a bite out of it. Maybe it’s because this fruit looks SO sweet. Anyway this is a very, very easy lesson, and you should absolutely no problem drawing it perfectly. All you have to do is follow the simple steps and read the detailed instructions. I did have fun with this chibi fruit because it reminded me of going to the store and buying a peach that looks just like the one I have drawn; sweet, plump and soft. That is all I have for you guys today, meet me back here on tomorrow for some new free online drawing tutorials that you will be sure to love. I may still have a chibi or two tomorrow as well, but I promise that is the max. Okay, peace out folks and have fun learning “how to draw a peach chibi step by step”. Happy drawing boys and girls!

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