How to Draw Chibi May, May

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Simply draw a large circle for the head of May, and then draw in one connecting line for the body. Once you add the face guide, you should have a drawing that looks like a lollipop.


Using the head guide that you just drew, sketch out the shape of chibi May's face which is almost like a rounded square. Draw the spiky bangs, and then move to step three.


Chibi May has these great big eyes with really thick, bold, and dark eyelids. Once you draw those lids in, you can draw out the eyes and then her simple cute smile.


Cap off the head with her bandanna, and then finish drawing out her wild and crazy looking hair which is normally short. Make sure the ends are pointed and spaced apart.


Now it's time to draw out her body including the clothes. Start by making the shoulders, and then draw in the arms and spread open hands. Draw in the collar, and then draw the shape of her torso like so. Don't forget to draw in that pouched belt.


Simply draw in the legs and be sure to make them sort of thick. Sometimes chibi legs are drawn to look short, stubby, and chunky. Other times chibis can be drawn with slender limbs.


As you can see this step is so simple. Before we begin be sure to clean up the messy guides and mistakes that you drew in step one. After that is done you can draw the stripes on the hat, torso, wrists, and pants.


Here is the finished drawing when you are all done. The best part is yet to come because now you can start coloring in your sketch of chibi May.

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August 17, 2011

Description: Let me just say that all of the chibi figures that I have been submitting have really brightened up my days ever since I have been making them. Especially the chibi Pokemon characters, they are so fun to make. Now it’s time to say good-bye to the whole chibi submission for the day by tackling one more tutorial on said subject. How about we call it a chibi night by learning "how to draw chibi May", step by step. I’m going to be honest, I’m not familiar with May’s character and therefore all I can say about her is that I love May's anime style. This version of May came out so adorable and active; I almost didn't want to finish drawing her out. Now that the sketch is complete, I can now teach all you fans and aspiring artists how simple it is to draw May from Pokemon in chibi form. I guarantee that you will find this lesson fun, exciting, and even awesome t color in. I guess that just about does it for now. As you know I shall return with more goodies for you all. Peace people and have fun!

#how to draw chibi pokemon characters

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