How to Draw Chibi Jirachi, Jirachi

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Start making a circle and then add the slanted facial guideline.


Draw the face shape like so, and then draw in the front hair line which is a bit wavy. Draw an ear like shape, and move onto step two.


Using the one face guide, draw in the large oblong shaped eyes like so, and then draw in the mouth. Notice how the eyes are left with a space at the base.


Now you will begin drawing out the star shaped head and the easiest way to approach this task is to draw three cones, one in the middle and one on each side. Connect them at the base and then draw tabs on the tips and edges to the points of the star.   


Now you can get busy with drawing out the baby shaped body like so. Because is so infantile looking, there is no neck. Draw in the small arms, hands, legs and feet.


Now what you will do is draw out the flaps that seem to be softly flowing under the bum. The inner lining should be wavy, and when you feel confident that chibi Jirachi looks good, start erasing the guides and messy lines to clean up your work.


Here is the finished drawing when you are all done. Now you can have even more fun as you color in this Pokemon character drawn in a chbi form.

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August 13, 2011

Description: It’s going to be hard to beat, but I think this tutorial may just do the job. Of course I’m talking about making another lesson on a Pokemon character turned chibi. I’m still pretty amazed that chibi Shaymin did so well with viewers and members of Dragoart. Shaymin raised a lot of eyebrows the other day and because of that, I have been getting flooded with requests to make more chibis on Pokemon species that would make great little versions of the original form. I uploaded my interpretation of what chibi Celebi would look like, now I’m going to teach you "how to draw chibi Jirachi", step by step. This is one lesson that was almost amusing to draw. I think it’s because of the oversized star capped head and how the body seems to be resting on this very large cranium. Even though Jirachi looks a little strange, it is still going to be fun to "draw chibi Jirachi" because you will literally be done in about twenty minutes. All you have to do is make a great big star, and then draw a floating body inside of it with big eyes and an adorable smile. While you get busy with this tutorial, I will be preparing my other submissions for you all. Have fun gang!

#how to draw chibi pokemon #how to draw chibi pokemon characters

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