How to Draw a Crocodile for Kids

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Make two shapes, a circle for the head, and a smaller shape for the body like so. Have them both touching each other and add one face guide.


Sketch out the edgy structure of the crocodile's head and then draw in the narrow snout. Make a mouth by drawing a bottom jaw. In general, the croc's head should look like a rock.


Here you will begin drawing out the crocodile's body starting with the back neck and back. As you can see the lining is dented in after every hill. This pattern continues down to the tail. Draw the front part of the neck and then the leg.


Draw in the bump for the other thigh, and then draw out the arms and hands or feet. Draw in a lining down the tail, and then sketch in some nostrils, and a tooth.


Well guys, I know your having a lot of fun, but I have to tell you that this is your last drawings Step. All you have to do is draw out the high arched eyes, and then draw in the eyeball and slit pupils. Draw the stomach and add some detailing to the   


Here is how the drawing should come out when all is said and done. Now you can just color in this crocodile with attitude.

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August 15, 2011

Description: I can’t believe how fast the day went by today. It seems like morning turned into night in matter of minutes. I’m not going to fiddle with that now because there are much more important things to think about. For instance, wouldn’t you much rather think of a drawing lesson that could show you "how to draw a crocodile for kids", step by step. These reptilian animals used to be one of my favorite species of all time. I can still remember going everywhere with my crocodile toy that was one of those cheap plastic animals that Wal-Mart has in a cardboard box on the bottom shelf in the toy isle. Anyways, the concept you see before you now is how I used to visualize the real toy I had. If you love these animals you should enjoy following this lesson on "how to draw a crocodile for kids". I have to admit, it did come out looking a little like a dinosaur, but hey, isn’t this reptile the closest thing to dinosaurs nowadays? Have fun guys, and stay busy.

#draw for kids #how to draw crocodiles

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