How to Draw Chibi Anime

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Start this lesson on how to draw chibi anime by drawing three circle shapes for the heads of your chibi characters. Next draw the facial guidelines and then draw the small outlined frame shapes of all three chibi bodies.


You will now sketch out the busy and wild looking chibi anime hair style that you see here. At this point you can draw any type of hair style on your chibi anime characters.


Okay, before you start drawing in the faces you will need to sketch out the shape of the chibi anime face which is boxy looking. Next use the facial guidelines to draw out the shape of the chibi anime eyes, and then color in the pupils. Sketch out an   


Draw the simple shaped chibi anime bodies, and then move to the last drawing step. This is such a simple concept character to draw.


You will finish this tutorial on "how to draw chibi anime" by finishing the bodies. Erase the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one.


This is what you will end up with when you are done with this tutorial on "how to draw chibi anime step by step". I hope you enjoyed yourself, and be sure to join me next time for another fun filled lesson.

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October 27, 2009

Description: Now that you finally have a tutorial on a cool chibi grim reaper character, I will now submit a lesson that will teach you “how to draw chibi anime step by step”. Chibi anime is just another form of chibi that is becoming increasingly popular. When you draw chibi characters like chibi Naruto, chibi Sasuke, or any other one of your favorite chibi style characters, you are basically drawing anime in chibi form. One of the cutest to combine is anime with chibi and there is even chibi manga drawing style as well. The difference between the two drawing styles is minimal. Chibi manga is when you combine your favorite manga characters and turn them into chibi form. As for me, I will turn anything into chibi form because I think it is the easiest way to draw characters you love, to look like who they are. In other words, if you were to draw an anime character for what it is, you will have a more complicated time doing so if you are a beginning artist. Now taking that very same character and drawing it chibi anime style, you are talking about cutting your drawing time in half. For one chibi anime characters are a lot smaller, and more simple than a full sized anime drawing. I show you the easiest way to learn "how to draw chibi anime", by drawing the same character in three different poses. I definitely think you will find this lesson very helpful when it comes to drawing your favorite anime character into chibi form. I will be back momentarily with another fun lesson. In the mean time tackle this tutorial, and when you are done, put some clothes on your newly drawn chibi anime character. Adios peeps, and happy drawing.

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