How to Draw Bratz

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Ok so this is basically the first step to creating your drawing. This is pretty much called the frame for your pose. The frame lays out the proportioning and the pose. I use frames all the time to make my drawings full of life. If you tested yourself   


Alrighty, in this step we will start to sketch in some of the features of the Bratz Cloe. What we will draw first is the flow of the hair. Don't forget to add the arms and the pants of the left leg. The eyes should be very easy to draw. To draw them,   


Ok now this is where I have the most fun! We are going to draw the strands of flowing hair that our girl Cloe has. All of the Bratz characters have flowing locks of hair. Keep in mind that they have huge eyes, extra large lips, and no nose. I don't k   


This is pretty much the very last step of the tutorial. We will now finish off her shoes, the rest of the hair, they eyes, and the pants and shirt. I know everyone has a hard time drawing the hair so I made sure I drew the hair very easy and not so c   


This is what your finished Bratz doll should look like when you are completely done All you have to do now is color her in and that is it you have just learned how to draw Cloe from the Bratz doll collection step by step.

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February 1, 2009

Description: Hello all you DragoArt fiends, today we are going to learn how to draw an interesting character. I’m sure you will find this tutorial very pleasing and cool. I did this lesson for my sister because she really loves Bratz. My other smaller sister loves the show as well. Sometimes I even break down and watch Bratz. What I like most about the animated series is the humor in the show, as well as some of the fashion that they wear. I was watching an episode on Bratz which had a goth girl in it and she had really nice fashion. I wish I had her clothes because they were very stylish and rad. Anyways, this tutorial was rather fun and exciting because of the coloring and designing. It took me a while to cloth her in a popish way. I tried to make her just like the original Cloe from the collection. This tutorial will teach you step by step on "how to draw Bratz", step by step. I have never seen the movie but it seems well fitting to my sisters. My sister even owns the Bratz video games. I don’t know why the dolls are popular, any suggestions? I remember when I used to hangout over my friend Lacie’s she used to play with these dolls all the time. Her favorite doll was Yazmin. Once again this tutorial will give you step by step instructions on how to draw Cloe from Bratz.


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