How to Draw a Baby Boy

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Okay you will start this step by drawing out two parts of the baby's body. The first shape will be a huge circle for the head and then add the facial guidelines. You will then draw out the jelly bean shape for his small body.


Now in this next step you will draw the swirl on the top of the head for his golden locks. You will then add the triangle on the side of his face and then add the limb guidelines as seen here for his legs and arm.


Well you are now on step three of this tutorial and now you will start adding some detailing and definition. What you will do now is add some detail to the curl on his head and then draw out the left ear and add the definition inside. Once that is do   


Well gang you have made it to the last drawing step and all you will have to do now is draw out the big round circles for his baby eyes. Color them in and leave three clear spots for the glare effect. You will draw out the shape of the nose and then    


Once you're done your cute little bouncing baby boy should end up looking like this. All you have to do now is color him in and you are all done. You have just learned how to draw a baby boy step by step.

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February 1, 2009

Description: Hello again people and welcome back to another drawing lesson of mine that was created for your drawing pleasure. For my first teaching, I will show you how to draw a baby boy step by step. Why did I choose to do a baby you ask? Well mainly because one of my friends from DragoArt wanted a lesson on how to draw a baby. When my mother came home from her weekend getaway, I showed her what I had done for tutorials, and when she seen the baby she said “OMG that is so adorable”. So anyways, I know for a fact that this lesson will warm the hearts of many of you members because when you start this tutorial you will realize that playing with a baby and drawing a baby are very similar in feeling. When I started out the sketch of the baby I wasn’t quite sure what kind of pose I wanted to put him in. So what I did was look at some of my baby sister’s pictures to use as a reference. And wouldn’t you know it; low and behold a pose appeared to me. I did a trial sketch to see if the position would work and it did. I drew a typical blonde headed curl and added a diaper. I also wanted to give character to the little boy so I drew a pacifier in his mouth. In general this tutorial is pretty simple and will remain under the novice category. I will show you how to draw a baby boy step by step. I will be back in a bit with more drawing fun so stay tuned gang, I shall return.

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