How to Draw Basketballs

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Start with a round circle for the shape of the basketball. Then add or draw in an arched line like you see here.


Now you need to draw the contouring lines on the sides of the basketball, and then move to step three once you are done.


Lastly, draw a center line in the middle of the ball, and then erase any messed up sketched lines you may have drawn from the beginning.


Now you can color in your ball to really make it look like a basketball.

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April 12, 2011

Description: You may or may not remember the recent lesson I did on a ball, and a basketball. Today I am going to show you very easily "how to draw basketballs", step by step. There really is no wrong way to draw a basketball because it is just a round object with a few contouring lines. What can I say about this ball? Well, nothing that I haven't said before with previous lessons on the basketball, I mean all I can really do is let you guys know that I have another tutorial here, and it's on drawing basketballs in a very simple way. Of course what else kind of way can you draw a ball anyways? If you have any questions for me as to making this ball or if you have a request that you would like me to fill just let me know and I will do my best to get your tutorial request filled as soon as possible. I have more fun coming your way so stay tuned in to see what kind of fun it will be. Adios people and be sure to let me know what you think when it comes to drawing balls.

#draw balls #how to draw balls

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