How to Draw Baby Goofy

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Start by making two circles, one for the head, and another for the body. When that is done all you have to do is draw in the guidelines for the face, arm, and legs.


Now begin sketching or drawing out the actual outline of baby Goofy's head, snout, and arms. The arms should be drawn in by making the shoulders and arms. Be sure to make the bumps for the cheeks, and brows like so.


What you will do here is draw in the eye bumps which will house baby Goofy's eyes. Draw the bump for the nose, and then draw in the nose. Now you can draw out the ears, and front buck teeth. Add some hair strands and then draw in the hands. Don't for   


Now you will draw out baby Goofy's legs, feet, and belly like you see here and make sure that you add the rest of his fingers too.


Draw out and color in the eyeballs or pupils and be sure to leave the glare circles. Draw the bottom lip, and then add some detailing to the bottom of the feet. Before you go draw the bib and then start erasing all the lines and shapes you drew in st   


Here is what baby Goofy looks like when you are all done. Color him in and you have finished this lesson on how to draw baby Goofy step by step. I hope you had fun folks and if you followed the steps correctly, I know you did a good job.

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December 24, 2010

Description: I decided that drawing more babies based on some of most loved Disney characters is something that a lot of Dragoart members and artists would enjoy. I came to this conclusion because the baby Mickey and baby Pluto did really well. So today I will be teaching you "how to draw baby Goofy", step by step. Goofy is one of the funniest and popular characters created from Disney. His big front teeth is what separates this character from everyone else. The way I drew baby Goofy in this lesson makes him look so amazing and the best part is he is going to be easy to draw. I had so much fun drawing baby Goofy I had to get it up right away. Drawing baby Disney characters is proving to be one of the best things I have done since the baby Mario characters I created a month ago. So here it is folks, "how to draw baby Goofy". I hope you have fun, be sure to rate, comment, and draw your very own Goofy in infant form. Peace peeps; don’t go far because there is another baby Disney character I am going to submit next. Stick around guys there is more on the way.

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