How to Draw an Anime Wolf

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In this first step you will be drawing out the guidelines and shapes of the anime wolf. Start by drawing out the shape of his head with facial guidelines. Now draw out the the shape of his upper portion of the body along with the shoulder shapes and    


Now in this next step you will be drawing out the shape of the head. Start with ears, and next what you are going to do is draw out the bone structure on his head as you can see it looks like an open diamond shape. Now you can draw out the shape of t   


Next thing in this step is drawing out the shape of his arched back with the added fur effect. Draw out the nails and the line for his other front leg. What you want to do next is draw out the inner hind leg along with the paw and claws. After that y   


In this next step you will be sketching out the details on the anime wolfs face. Start by detailing the inner part of the right ear and the sketch in his bushy looking fur on the left side of his face. Now draw in and shade the eyes which look mean n   


This is what your anime wolf should look like when you are completely done drawing it. All you need to do next is give him some color. You can use the color scheme I used or choose your own colors. That will do it for this tutorial on how to draw an    


This is what your anime wolf should look like when you are completely done drawing it. All you need to do next is give him some color. You can use the color scheme I used or choose your own colors. That will do it for this tutorial on how to draw an    


This is what your anime wolf should look like when you are completely done drawing it. All you need to do next is give him some color. You can use the color scheme I used or choose your own colors. That will do it for this tutorial on how to draw an    

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December 30, 2016

Description: In this next tutorial you will be learning "how to draw an anime wolf". I figured that there was hardly anything in the anime section, so not only did I submit an anime emo kid. I am also submitting my version of an anime wolf. Now when you think of anime you think of characters like Naruto, Sesshoumaru, Seto Kaiba, and other favorited, popular anime characters. There are a lot of ways to draw anime animals and a lot of those ways are cool. As for me I like to be creative and add my own touches to make it more personalized. It is so weird how Japanese anime has become a big part of American lifestyle, and pop culture. I have been enjoying anime since I was a kid, not a small kid, just younger than I am now. I always found anime series and moves so interesting and entertaining as well. I have been drawing cartoon like characters for years now and I have to tell you my style changes every year it seems. The more time that goes by the better my drawings get. At first all I did was draw on a sketch pad using only a mechanical pencil. Once in a while I would color the image in and add it to my collection folder of finished sketches, but I would mainly keep all my drawings as sketches inside the pad. At first all I would draw is dragons and concept art. I drew a lot of concept art in my time and a few of the concept art I drew is infact tutorials on the site, for example the rock wyrm and desert wyrm are both concept art and so is the shade dragon that I drew. I’m thinking that as I get older the more intense my drawings get. Don’t get me wrong I have lazy days as well where my sketches come out like total garbage (at least to me). I’ve submitted more then a few tutorials that I feel could have been better because I know I am better. You always know my good days because I produced amazing drawings like the Zombie Dragon, the Mercenary Dragon, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and so forth. This drawing today like I said is going to be on an anime wolf. What inspired me to do the drawing? The answer to that is I don’t know, I have been on this wolf binge for the past two days and I can’t get out. But I think you will enjoy yourself with this tutorial because personally I think it looks awesome. I kind of messed up a bit on the fifth toe on the hind leg, but an easy way to fix that problem is not to draw it in at all or try and make it a bit smaller. You will learn "how to draw an anime wolf step by step". For those of you artist out there that really love wolves, you can also take a peak at my other tutorial that teaches you how to draw a cartoon wolf. Have fun and remember be creative all the time.

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