Here you will draw out the shape of the male's head which also happens to be his hair in a long swoosh style. Since he is hoovering over his girl, his hair is falling down his face.
Begin sketching out her face from the side view. This should include her jaw structure, forehead, nose and mouth. Also lightly sketch in the hair on the side of her face which will later flow on the floor.
Like I said, her hair is now flowing on the ground. Start from the forehead area and then slowly draw the hair laying on the ground. It should be pretty simple because it's like drawing water.
Up next, draw the male's face starting with the chin and under the chin. Sketch out the neck, then draw the eye and eyebrow.
Finish drawing the neck, then sketch in the chest, shoulder and toned arm. You will then draw the thin rope necklace and add a pendant that dangles.
For the last drawing step all you have to do is draw her arms, her neck, and then her chest and bra or top. Erase the mistakes and then the guides.
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January 18, 2017
Description: Here is one of the prettiest lessons I have done in a while and it's not just on a girl's face and hair. Today I will be showing you "how to draw an anime kiss", step by step. I really wanted to showcase the love between these two figures and instead of a sexual drawing, I went with something more subtle and loving. Another thing I like about this lesson or drawing is the coloring. I had so much fun with all the different shades I used to color in this anime couple. It really came out looking genuine like you can see the love between the two. If you love someone and want to show them how much, tackle this lesson on drawing an anime kiss. You can color in the couples hair to match the shades of you and your man or woman. I have some other cool tuts so keep tuned in. Peace out people and enjoy.