How to Draw Allen Walker

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Begin the first step by drawing the head and torso which is also the shoulders. Sketch in the facial guidelines then draw another shape for the hand.


Use the facial guides you just made to begin sketching out the structure for Allen's face shape. When that is done draw the bangs which are parted and pointed.


Draw the thin lined eyebrows, then draw the lids for his eyes. Allen's eyes are slightly closed so you will see his actual eyelids.


Finish drawing the eyes and make sure to use thick, bold lining to do so. Add the scar on his face, then draw the nose and mouth. Allen always has a serious expression on his face.


Complete the hairstyle which is short, sort of bushy and layered. The ends of his hair should be pointed.


Now we can get started with the body beginning with the shape of his neck. Draw the shirt collar and then draw the layers of clothing that will rest on his shoulders. This clothing is actually his hood.


Up next, draw the front of his jacket shape which is almost like a plate. Add the buttons on the shoulders, then proceed to step eight.


Up next you will add the shoulders or sleeves, then draw the designs or layers of material that makes up the jacket. This should also have buttons too.


This is a popular pose for Allen Walker. You have to now draw his hand which is raised to his chest. Draw the sleeve cuff, then move to step ten.


Add detailing to his jacket which is also the jacket's design. Draw the necklace like object in his hand which is falling between the fingers. Erase all the mistakes and guides as well.


Here is how your finished drawing of Allen Walker looks when you are all done. Now you can go ahead and color in the very popular D. Gray Man character.

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May 6, 2014

Description: Okay folks, here is an exciting lesson on a character from the very popular anime/manga series D. Gray Man. Up next we will learn "how to draw Allen Walker", step by step. What gets me about this lesson is that I can't believe I never made this tut before. I totally thought that I already submitted a lesson on drawing Allen Walker, but to my surprise it was in fact a tut submitted by another member which you can also check out by looking at the related lessons off to the right hand side. Anyways, as all you D. Gray Man fans know, Allen Walker is the main figure of the series along with a couple others. He has been requested in the past, but like I said I thought I already had a lesson on him. So sorry to you all who have been waiting for this tutorial, next time I will check further to see if in fact I have the figure you ask for. Peace out and enjoy.

#how to draw d gray man #how to draw d gray man characters

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