Add the hollow of the eye and definition lines that forms the cheekbone and skull grooves. You will also need to draw the profile of the nose.
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October 12, 2020
Description: We all know that Halloween is right around the corner, and for those of you who have been Dragoart members over the years, you know that I love drawing two concepts, zombie and skulls and I like to keep new stuff going up on different concepts. So, for Halloween I wanted to make a lesson that shows you how to draw a zombie for beginners. There are lots of kids/adults that want to draw zombies and skulls, but don't have seasoned skills to make something cool because of the complexity to most lessons. This tutorial on a zombie for beginners as both concepts merged into one laid out in simple to follow steps using big shapes drawn in a cool style to give results that are exciting and kick ass. Have fun and thanks again for using this paid lesson.