How to Draw a Sea Creature, Sea Creature

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Make two circles, one for the head and the other for the body. Draw a long curved neck line and then another for the tail.


Now you will sketch the front part of the snout for the creature like so, and then make the lining of the under bite that exposes the sharp looking teeth.


You will now need to sketch out the actual structure of the face by drawing out the jawline. The pointed chin also needs to be drawn, and then draw the marks or gum line for the teeth. Next, draw in the creatures oblong sized eye, color in the eye bu   


Next, begin drawing out the fin like horns for the sea creatures head and formation. The lining along the edges needs to be uneven and notched.


In this step you will be drawing out the entire body of the sea creature. Start under the head and begin drawing out the neck, then move forward to sketching out the chest, back, belly, and tail. Before leaving this step you have to draw the fins and   


You really need to take your time as you sketch out the sea creatures neck, back and and tail fins or frills. The edges are also very rugged and they also have some pointed tips. Sketch in some rib lining and then move to step seven where you will be   


Okay guys you have come to the last step. As you can see you will be adding the texture detailing on the skin of the creature. But before you do this you have to clean up the mistakes and guidelines that you drew in previous steps. When you are done,   


Here is what your drawing of a sea creature looks like when you are done. Color in the beast like so, and show off your skills to anyone that will look.

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December 8, 2011

Description: Every once in a while I will get amazed when I find that I don’t have a tutorial on the site that I thought I had but I didn’t. So today I will be showing you all "how to draw a sea creature", step by step. Sea creatures can be anything that lives in the ocean whether it is fact or fiction. The creature that I chose to draw is really epic because I could totally picture something like this living under the dark, undiscovered sea. There are literally millions of species and organisms that have not yet been discovered, and for us to sit here and think to ourselves that there is nothing that might look like the sea creature you see before you now, is pretty ignorant. Anyways, the sea creature that you will be drawing today can be tweaked to any look you want. If you want a more fish like species, you can draw the face a bit differently. For me I wanted to mix dolphin with dragon. As you can see the body of the dolphin is very prominent, but the face of a dragon also adds that perfect combination or touch. I hope you guys have fun with drawing my version of a sea creature. I will be back in a bit with more fun for you all to tackle. Peace out people and enjoy!

#how to draw creatures

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