How to Draw a Record Player, Phonograph

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The first thing you need to do is draw the shape of the base, then draw the horn as it is seen in a curved pose.


Next, draw the horn in better detail and when you do this make sure that the edge of the horn is ruffle lined. Define the base of the horn, then draw in the arm which is what holds the needle to play records.


Add more of the floral looking horn, then add in the definition for texture to the brass piece. Add detailing to the base of the horn, then draw in the needle.


All you have to do here is sketch out the structure of the record player's base which is box like, then draw in the turntable and record.


Lastly, add some aging to the player, then draw in the crank. When you are happy with the results, start erasing the mistakes.


This record player is actually called a phonograph by the way, just in case you wanted to know. Color in your drawing and that's it.

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July 13, 2013

Description: What would tutorials be without making a lesson on another musical device that we used to listen to when we were younger. Well, maybe not me because when I was around we still had CDs and MP3 players oh yeah and tape decks too. My sister is really into the 80s and because of that I wanted to make her a special tutorial on "how to draw a record player", step by step. Now granted this is not the type of record player that some of us have seen, or even used, but it's still a record player which is also known as the phonograph. The horn at the base is what the music from the record travels through in order for the sound to be heard. Later days speakers were introduced and then used. The handle on the side was a hand crank which is what powered the unit for the turntable to spin. The arm also had a needle which is what carried the sound through the horn. The record player was an ingenious invention and without its' creation we probably would have never had 8-tracks and CD's. Anyways, have fun drawing a record player folks and I will be back with more for you all.

#draw music

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