How to Draw a Neko Girl

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In this step your going to have to draw the basic frame for your Neko girl. The cat girl we're drawing is going to be from the side view. I find that drawing from the side view is easiest. Anyways, draw a large circle for the head, a rounded off rect   


In this step, we will start drawing the details of the face, the bangs, and the rest of the hair. Don't forgot to sketch in those eyes underneath the bands. Shape up the mouth and the neck as well. Look how cute she looks! Are you ready for step 3?


This is a pretty difficult step. We will finish off the ears for our Neko girl to be an actual 'Neko girl'. Draw her breasts with small patches of bra censoring the rest of her chest. Sketch up the arms and the back for our cat girl so she comes out    


Yay, step 4 is here! In this step we will start drawing the stomach, the hands, the legs, the hair and the beginning of her tail. This is another hard part because of the hands and the shape of her stomach. Are you ready for step 5?


Alright, this is the last step! Hooray, your almost done! Sketch her legs and the rest of her tail in. To make things easier, you don't have to draw the feet. Most people have trouble drawing feet (like me) so I wanted to make this easier for you all   


Ok peeps, this is the line art for your finished picture! Doesn't she look so innocent and cute? When you think of a kitty, you think innocence, right? I hope this neko tutorial was easy for you! There's a lot of hard steps, but it's all worth while!   

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October 29, 2009

Description: Hello DragoArt members and visitors! Today I have a special treat for all you anime artists! There's an awesome tutorial that I was really eager to submit. This lesson will be on "how to draw a neko girl step by step". I know some of you are probably asking, 'what exactly is a neko girl?' "Neko" means "Cat" in English. So if you were to translate "Neko girl" you would be saying 'Cat girl' in English. To make things simple you'll be learning to "draw a cat girl" step by step. Now, the cat girls that are drawn in manga or anime, usually have a pair of cat ears and a cat tail. I remember seeing these girls in animes that I used to watch. These animes were Bleach, Naruto, and the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I wanted to make this tutorial to show all of those aspiring manga artists that drawing neko girls step by step can be very easy. I wasn't very familiar with drawing this girl in an interesting form. When I first drew this, I wanted to convey a "shy" kitty appearance. I made her drawn from the side view with most of her body hidden. I think this adds an insecure presence to the cat girl. Drawing this kitty girl in this manor was to symbolize the shyness of cats. I owned two cats that were very cautious of my home, and alert of my presence. Recently I used to own a kitten that never felt comfortable around me and my family. Anyways, I'm pretty sure you'll have tons of fun learning "how to draw a neko girl" step by step. Drawing anime manga online is way easier then going out to the book store. This is a very easy tutorial for most of you anime artists! Thanks for viewing, and have fun drawing!

#how to draw nekos #how to draw neko girls

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