We will add the pumpkin dimpling next around the whole shape, and when that is done you can draw out the eyes and nose. Notice the eyes are different in size because I wanted to draw a cute semi mean expression on this Kawaii pumpkin.
For the last step, just draw in the mouth using a simple pattern like you see it done for you here. Erase whatever mistakes you might have made as well.
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September 26, 2016
Description: You know I couldn't be done with drawing pumpkins without making one on a Kawaii version. This next and last lesson will be for all you Kawaii artists out there who want to celebrate Halloween but feel stumped on what type of Kawaii art to create for the season. Today, we will be drawing a cute Kawaii pumpkin step by step. I love the way this pumpkin came out. The eyes, mouth and whole design concept is not only simple, but it's adorable too. If you want something easy to draw, but don't want to draw something plain, then try this lesson how to draw a Kawaii pumpkin. I do hope you enjoyed the lessons today. I will return tomorrow with some other ones that will make you happy. Adios amigos.