Draw three circles. One for the head, the chest and the behind. The line down the head helps you figure out were to draw the eyes which we will draw later on.
Next draw simple shapes for paws, shoulders, legs, and a curvy line for the tail. Also leave circles on the head to help you place the ears.
Now use the circles to help you draw his pointy ears. Also draw a guide line for the neck and lines for the arms and hind legs.
Finally for the last guide lines draw circles on his paws for his toes. Also draw a funky pear shape on his head to help you place the beak. Last, draw guide lines for the wings. Please look closely at these guidelines.
Now its time to draw drawing! First start drawing his beak, it should be sharp and pointy. Then draw him some eyes and for his head and cheeks sketch out some fluffy fur.
Also add some more fluff to his chest area. We add fluff because gryphons have manes like lions. Then sketch out his ears. Gryphons can have other types of ears, but for mine I am going to use 'web' ears. You can also use 'owl' type ears or 'lion' ty
Remember he is fluffy so when drawing his arms add some fluffy. No need to try to hard on making fur and hair on creatures. The more time you spend on trying to make it perfect the less realistic it looks.
Time for the hard part, the wings. Drawing wings take a lot of time and practice. Here you can simply use the guidelines, but if you want different poses for the wings I suggest looking and studying real like bird photos. The feathers should be sprea
Gryphons can be any color. Mine is a traditional gryphon so he will be basic shades of browns and orange.
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October 15, 2012
Description: This is a simple tutorial on how to draw the mystical creature called a Gryphon. This tutorial is for people that have some practice in art. Have fun!