How to Draw a Dove Tattoo

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Start drawing your dove tattoo by making a shape for the dove's head.


Using the shape, begin drawing the top portion of the head as well as the top part of the beak. Draw the curved lining to form the dip in the neck, then draw out the expanded wing as well as the feathers at the ends.


Draw in the other wing like so, and when you are done you can proceed to step four.


Finish drawing the shape of the body by making the pointed part of the beak like so. When that is done use a thick, bold stroke to make the neck, chest, and then the belly and tail. Be sure to draw in the foot which should also be semidetached from t   


Add some detailing to the wings by adding a layer of feathers, then draw out the marking line which separates the beak from the face. Color in an eye and proceed on.


Lastly, draw in the olive branch like so starting with the twig part of the branch in the dove's mouth. Draw each olive leaf starting with the smallest to largest. Clean up the drawing and you're done.


When you are all done, your dove tattoo should come out looking like the one you see here. Now you can go ahead and color in this beautiful peaceful bird.

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April 16, 2012

Description: Have any of you ever seen a tattoo design based on a dove? Well I haven't, but someone asked me to make a tutorial on "how to draw a dove tattoo", step by step so I went ahead and made this one. The dove is supposed to be a simple concept so that anyone can tackle the task of making a dove in the most primitive and common form. The leaf that the dove has grasped in the beak is actually an olive branch. This is a typical formation of a dove and it supposed to symbolize peace, and forgiveness. The phrase "Hold out an olive branch" literally means forgiveness and or reconciliation. I guess I could see why someone would want to get a dove tattoo on their body especially if you wanted a new beginning. Anyways, I had loads of fun making this bird because I haven't done a dove in this pose or form before. So I hope that you enjoy drawing a dove tattoo because the dove alone is a symbol of purity, which means this should be a subtle, loving lesson to follow. I will be back tomorrow with more drawing lessons for you all. So after you leave today, be sure to come back tomorrow. Peace people!

#how to draw doves

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