How to Draw a Devil Heart Tattoo

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Start off by making a heart shape with one side of the arch raised just enough to be higher then the right.


Next, draw the long eyebrows or brows in a mean streak pose or expression.


You will now sketch out the shapes of each eye and as you can see they are angled more then they are squared or round. Add the crinkles or wrinkles under the eyes too.


You will now draw out the large wide spread smile which is also devious looking as well.


We will start shaping out the style of the heart like you see here to the right side of the image. You will also need to incorporate the shape and base of the horn as well.


Continue on by drawing the humps, then draw the base and shape of the left horn.


You will now complete the shape of the devil heart's structure and notice that there is a jaw line structure or chin.


And lastly, draw out the straight lined teeth as well as the gum line at the base of the rows of teeth. When that is done you can either add more characteristics to your devil heart, or you can start erasing the mistakes and guides.


The line art comes out looking like the drawing you see here. All you need to do now is color in this awesome looking devil.

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February 3, 2014

Description: Are you guys ready for a few awesome tuts today or what? I will start out by uploading a proper lesson on "how to draw a devil heart tattoo", step by step. When I say "proper" I mean a drawing that is labeled 'devil heart' should resemble the devil right? Well, what better way to show folks how to draw something cool like that then to make a heart shape from a devils face. I really love the way this drawing came out because it definitely looks the role of the title. The evil or devilish looking face is in perfect form for the shape of the heart. The small horns on the head and the devious grin is also very cool. I hope you will enjoy drawing a devil heart as much as I did making it. Adios people and enjoy.

#how to draw hearts #how to draw devils

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