How to Draw a Dahlia, Dahlia Flower


Begin by drawing the small pod shape for the top to the center of the flower. Below the pod shape should be a band.


You may now start drawing the first layer of dahlia petals. As you can see they are shaped like mini sunflower petals.


Continue with creating another row of dahlia flower petals like so, and notice how they are starting to get larger.


There is only one more row pf petals that you will need to make after you finish with drawing this row or column.


Draw in the rest of the dahlia petals like so until the completed image looks like a ball.


Detail the petals, then you can proceed to step seven.


Lastly draw the stem, then you can erase the mistakes.


Color in your dahlia flower using one of your favorite bright shades. Blue is my favorite for this flower.

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March 11, 2014

Description: Some people may refer to this flower species as being one of the most beautiful flowers in the world, and there are some folks that it's a flower that is very plain, and round. I myself think this flower is very pretty, but not one of the prettiest I've seen. Today I will show you "how to draw a dahlia flower", step by step. I enjoyed making this flower because it was a bit of a challenge to make the petals so uniform the way they are. They all have to be pretty consistent in size and shape, so it may be a challenge for some of you too. Dahlias come in many different colors including red, blue, pink, and the very pure white. I'm sure there is other colors in that list, but I wasn't about to go though the many different dahlia shades. Have fun with the tut folks.

#how to draw dahlias
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