How to draw a chibi cat being grabed


Okay First draw two circles. One alittle larger than the other. Be sure to leave some space between them


Now draw a curved line that conects the circles together. And draw the paws hanging from the cat under the first circle


Now draw the back foot on the last circle at a slight tilt. Then draw the ears.


Now draw the hair to the side. If wanted. Now you connect the circles under them with a small curved line


Now draw the hair along the back curve so it looks like you would pick up the cat so the fur and skin will rise some. and also do your tail. It doesnt have to be fluffy it can be thin if wanted


Now draw the ear hair, the face, and the side hair, Mine goes up. (The side hair) So you can do yours down or up. And normaly the cat wouldnt be to happy so maybe give it an anoyed expression


Now erase all of the extra lines and you should get something close to this.


Now color to your oc cat or how you want and enjoy!

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April 6, 2013

Description: Uh well its my first one i have made on here and its my cat ivory... She will be used alot... But uh.. I hope it helped out some... If any...?

#how to draw cats #draw cartoon cat
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