How to Draw a Butterfly Eye


Draw three lines horizontal then one vertical in the middle of the three horizontal ones. Make these lines light because you will be erasing them later.


Now draw the basic outline of an eye then add half of a butterfly wing.


Now add the pupil and the rest of the eye details then add two lines on the inside of the eye that will make the eyeliner.


Now add the details in the butterfly... I would get creative here google up different butterflies and pick your favorite for the butterflies wing . Then add the upper eyelashes make them very long so it gives it a more girly look.


Now finishing it up with the lower lashes then your done :)


This is what your finish results should look like or better I hope this wasn't my best work but I liked the idea :)

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August 9, 2012

Description: I drew this the other day got this idea from a picture I'm pretty sure its not my best work but I like it :)

#draw eyes
1 - Super Cool
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