How to Draw a Baby Worm

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1 Guidelines

Work on the worm guidelines, by drawing them lightly on your paper.

2 Face Shape

Then, work on the head and eyes.

3 Facial Features

Then finish the facial features and draw the rest of the neck.

4 Final Touches

Lastly, draw the rest of its body!

5 Final Line Art

Once all the steps have been drawn, this is what the final piece should look like!

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June 23, 2020

Description: I know it's odd, but I wanted to make a lesson on a living creature that I'm not sure what to label it. Is it an insect, an animal or what? Well, the worm is actually a invertebrate animal. It is an animal. It has a mouth, stomach and butthole and they thrive/live in the earth. What would this baby animals series be without a lesson on how to draw a baby worm, step by step. I think this baby worm is wicked cute and so easy to draw. So I know all you newbie artists out there will love the concept. Have fun with it, I will be back with another to add to the baby animal group.

#how to draw baby animals #how to draw worms

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