Here you will actually draw in the ghostly face shape which is framed by the black hood. Draw in the defined shapes of the cheeks and proceed to step four.
Finish the face by drawing the eyes, and then draw the nose, mouth and detailing around the eyes. Erase the mistakes and you are all done.
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October 30, 2015
Description: Happy Halloween everyone! Today is the one day out of the whole year that you can dress up and play pretend no matter how old you are. This lesson goes out to all you folks out there that are going to be dressing up as the famous serial killer from the movie 'Scream'. Here is how to draw the Scream Mask easy, step by step. I already have a lesson on this mask, but it was drawn a while ago and to be honest it isn't that good. At least this version of the Scream mask is clean, simple and easy for anyone to tackle. Have fun and be sure to have a safe Halloween.