Draw Mowgli from Jungle Book

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Make the guide shapes for Mowgli's head and torso like so. When that is done add the facial guidelines and neck guide.


Define the shape of Mowgli's face which is sort of anime style. Add the bangs and then some of the hair on the sides of his face.


Using the facial guidelines draw the thick eyebrows and color them in, then draw the shapes of his eyes, nose and mouth. You can leave this step when you add the scuff marks and detailing on the face.


Continue to draw the head and hairstyle. This is the thick bangs and then the hair length is up to the cheek line.


We will now draw Mowgli's body starting with the neck and shoulders. Once that is done draw the torso. Add definition to the top area with a collar bone.


For the last step just simply draw the chest definition which will separate the breasts and diaphragm. Erase the mistakes and guides.


When you are done here is what the finsihed drawing looks like. Color Mowgli in and you're finally done.

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April 5, 2016

Description: Hey guys, welcome back to Dragoart and to another tutorial on this late Wednesday evening. Today, we will be learning how to draw Mowgli from the Jungle Book, step by step. When I was watching 'Better Call Saul' the other night, a commercial came on and I couldn't help but notice it was based on all the characters from The Jungle Book and it actually look like a life size realistic version of the Disney movie and book. So because I was so inspired after watching that commercial, I decided to do a couple tuts on some of my favorite characters. Drawing Mowgli is going to be fun, exciting and simple. Stick around because I have more lessons coming your way.

#how to draw the jungle book characters
1 - Super Cool
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