Draw a Votive Candle

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We will begin by drawing the votive glass which will house your candle. The gap is the space needed for the wick and flame.


Draw the edge lining of the glass votive holder and then draw in the candle wax line for the creation of your votive candle.


The entire gap that was present in step two will now be filled in with the shape and body of the candle flame. Notice the arch at the base of the flame shape, this is to create the space between the flame and the wick without even drawing the actual    


Simple draw a drab of a small shape for the wick. Erase the mistakes if you made any.


That's it, you have just made a votive candle. Now you can draw more or just color the art in.

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October 6, 2020

Description: I'm often always making lessons on animals, plants, people, anime, cartoons, or cars. Today I wanted to do something that is different from what I'm used to. Having said that, this lesson will show you how to draw a votive candle, step by step. Votive candles are probably used more often than regular tabletop candles or even candlesticks. I myself have plenty of votive candles around my house. I love the serenity the burning flame gives off. Sometimes, when it's real quiet, I sometimes find myself just staring at the flame as it dances solely in a graceful form. I had a lot of fun with this lesson. It was not only simple, it was also a very peaceful hour. Anyways, I hope you like this lesson, you can usually buy votive candles in a store like Walmart, pharmacies and practically every specialty store around. You can color the votive any shade you like, you can even include a picture, plant or rose.

#how to draw candles

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