Draw a Baby Werewolf


For the baby werewolf we will need to make three different shaped shapes for the head, torso and body. Sketch in the guidelines for the face and legs too.


Using a profile style drawing technique, go ahead and draw the profile of this baby werewolf.


Draw in very pointed and erect ears as well as the eye in a crazed look, and then the nose.


Go ahead and draw the top part of the arm and then the hand and clawed fingers completely.


Draw in the body and then finish the arm. You will need to draw the toes too.


Okay, now draw the other arm and fist.


You will basically finish this baby werewolf because all you have to add now is the tail which is thick and puffy.


Color in the hollows to the mouth and nostrils and then color in the pupil. Erase the mistakes and guides too.


This is the line art. Now all you need to do is color him in. Turn this werewolf into a girl by adding long lashes and a curl or two.

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October 25, 2020

Description: Okay, one of the most iconic monsters that follows Halloween around every year has got to be one of the most feared from folklore is the werewolf. So here is how to draw a baby werewolf, step by step. I had so much fun with this monster because I must have been thinking about a few different facial expressions that would match the ferociousness of the werewolf, but that would also match a werewolf as a baby version. I think I did the job well and hopefully you like and learn from this lesson on how to draw a baby werewolf. I shall be back in a bit with another Halloween inspired lesson so stay tuned.

#how to draw werewolves #how to draw halloween babies #how to draw halloween werewolves
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