How to Draw Baby Frankenstein


Here is where you draw a large oval shape for the head and then a small shape for the lower body. Sketch in the facial guidelines.


Up next, draw the small, boxy shape of baby Frankenstein. Include the ears and then hairline as well as the entire head shape.


Use the facial guidelines to draw out the eyes and eyebrows. You will then draw the mouth.


Draw the big thick bolts and then draw the torso, jacket, arms and hands. Add the detailing to the jacket too.


Make the shirt and then draw the shorts. Add the holes to the shirt too.


You will now draw the legs and big feet to finish drawing baby Frankenstein. Erase the mistakes and guides.


You will finish the drawing off by adding the pockets.


Here is the line art. Now just color in your drawing of baby Frankenstein to finish things off.

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October 25, 2020

Description: Wow, I have done so many lessons over the past couple days and they are all so cute. I love Halloween, in fact it is probably my favorite holiday of all the seasonal holidays that we here in a American celebrate. Of course I know that not everyone believes in Halloween or even celebrating it for that face. I value the holiday because no matter how old you get, you can always go back to being a child because Halloween is the one holiday that lets you dress up to be anything from anywhere, to anyone from any time frame including yourself. I hope you have fun drawing baby Frankenstein, I know I did.

#how to draw halloween babies #how to draw a frankenstein #how to draw halloween baby monsters
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