Army Girl Drawing Lesson


Make three guide shapes, one for the head, another for the torso and one more for the hip area. Draw in the guidelines for the limbs.


You will define the shape of the face from a side profile view. With that, add the bandanna.


We will now draw the top portion of her head which is also the hairstyle. When that is done complete the bandanna and then add some bullets and cards tucked in the bandanna as well.


Draw in her semi closed eye along with the painted stripes on her cheek and draw the cig in her mouth.


Draw in the length of her hair which is well past her shoulders.


Draw the shoulder and arm as well as the shape of her body. Add the shape of her chest, and draw the hand inside her pocket along with the bracelet.


Complete the body shape by drawing the shape of her back, the buttocks, and then her legs. Don't forget to draw the other arm and utility pouch.


For the last drawing step all you have to do is draw in the seam lines for her jeans, then draw in the straps for her shirt. When that is done draw the band on her arm and the strap across the torso. Erase the mistakes and all the guides as well.


When you are done the drawing should look like the one you see here. Color it in and that's it.

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January 26, 2016

Description: Hey guys, today we will be doing something really fun and cool and it has to do with the military, particularly the Army. Since everyone has been liking a lot of my concept pieces, I thought making an Army girl drawing tutorial would be something different enough to raise some eyebrows and get people in the mood to draw. Anyways, this concept depicts a female Army solider with attitude. She is equipped with everything a soldier out in the woods should be equipped with except her weapon. I love the concept and I do believe that folks will enjoy drawing this Army girl as well.

#how to draw military #how to draw girls
1 - Super Cool
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