Anchor Tattoo Drawing Lesson


Begin by drawing the guidelines which will create a primitive concept of an anchor. Add some guide shapes for the fish heads.


In this step draw the top part of the anchor which is where the rope would loop from.


We will now begin drawing the top portion of the anchor which at this point looks like a cross.


Continue to draw the shank of the anchor and then add small design which is a shield like shape.


Up next, you will finish the shape or design of the anchor. For the crown and arms I wanted a dramatic look, but you can go for something much more simpler. Add detailing to the anchor and you are ready for step six.


Now you can draw the piece of rope that is going through the ring hole. Add the detailing to this rope and proceed to the next drawing step.


Lastly, if you'd like, draw the fish swimming around the anchor. They can be any style as long as they live in the ocean. Erase the mistakes and guides then you're done.


Here is what the line art looks like when you are all done. Now the only task left is to color in your anchor tattoo, or leave it as line art to bring to your tattooist.

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January 19, 2016

Description: Some of the old timers out there who served in the Navy or those who are sailors, are the ones who are most likely to have a drawing of an anchor tattoo inked somewhere on their skin. Today I wanted to make another concept on an anchor tattoo drawing lesson that is somewhat different then what we are used to seeing. I haven't seen many drawing of anchors out there that include small fish roaming around the sunken metal, but of course it may just be that I haven't seen many anchor tattoos. Anyways, have fun nonetheless and I will return with some other exciting tuts for you all.

#how to draw anchors
1 - Super Cool
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