Winnie the Pooh Beehive Art Drawing Lesson, How to Draw


Start with the guide shapes and guidelines.


Using the guides you drew in step one, go ahead and begin to draw out Winnie's head an face shape along with the start of his hands or paws.


Next, go ahead and continue to work on the body by adding to the arms, then draw the legs and feet and some of his back.


Here you will complete winnie by drawing out the rest of his arm and then his shirt. Draw and color in the eyes and eyebrows as well as the other ear. Add detailing to the shirt too.


Draw the block he is sitting on and then draw the daydream thought bubble where he is thinking of where he can get some honey. Draw the beehive and dripping honey. Erase the mistakes and you're done.


Here is the line art. Now you can color him in.

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March 16, 2023

Description: Hello again fellow artist. Here I have a fun, cute lesson that will show you how to draw Winnie the pooh and a beehive, step by step. This is a fun tutorial that is absolutely adorable in every single way. If you like the lesson, be sure to like, love, fav, comment and share. Thanks for viewing folks.

#winnie the pooh drawings #winnie the pooh drawing #winnie the pooh art how to draw winnie the pooh characters
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