Pop Art Drawing Lesson, Draw Pop Art


Let's begin by drawing the guidelines which will be used for the face.


Next, go ahead and draw out the shapes of each eye. They are not even looking in this step because the face is shattered glass.


you will draw the broken pieces of the face which is the shape of broken glass heart.


Here you will draw in the hair, the tears, lashes, and detailing. When you are happy go ahead and erase the mistakes and guidelines.


When all is said and done your drawing should look like the one you see here.

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March 1, 2023

Description: Hello once again fellow artist. Here today I have a very simple concept lesson on drawing Pop art, step by step. With the coloring on this piece I tried something different. I didn't actually aim for the coloring to come out this way, it just happened. I am happy with it and I think you guys will love it too. Thanks for viewing and don't forget to like, love, fav and share.

#how to draw art #pop art drawings #pop art drawing #pop art wallpaper #how to draw comic book faces
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