How to Make a Carved Pumpkin


Start off with a simple circle and then the guideline for the knife and face.


Once that is done go ahead and draw in the stem which should be uneven and crooked.


Add detailing to the pumpkin stem like you see here.


Now you will tackle one side of the pumpkin by drawing the actual shape and texture. This can be done in layers.


Next, draw the entire outline of the butcher knife and then add the lining for where the slit is at the base of the knife.


Go ahead and draw the left side of the pumpkin shape and then add detailing to the hole that the knife made and is sitting in.


Up next, draw some long blades of grass which looks more like hair.


Now you will draw the face. Like I said, the left side is half drawn or carved out.


Add the texture lines for the pumpkins surface and then finish the face off.


For the last drawing step all you have to do is clean up the mistakes and guides, then add the detailing to the knife's handle.


Here you have it, a half carved pumpkin face for Halloween. Color in the drawing and show family and friends your art.

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September 17, 2021

Description: Hello one and all and welcome back to another fun lesson to celebrate one of my favorite holidays coming up, Halloween. Today, I will show you how to make a carved pumpkin drawing that has the butcher knife still stuck inside with a half carved face. I wanted the lesson to look as dramatic as possible which is why I chose the design concept like you see here. If you want to go ahead and draw a completed pumpkin face and still keep the knife stuck on the side, go for it. You can do anything your heart desires. Anyways, have fun with drawing a carved pumpkin and I will be back with some other fun Halloween stuff to draw.

#how to draw pumpkins #how to draw halloween stuff #how to draw halloween pumpkins
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