How to Draw V From V for Vendetta


Start with making a V shape, yea, his face looks like a V. The add the eyes, nose, mouth and mustache following the guidelines .


Now, shadows. Shading this is easy but you have to be careful, the mask is white and you don't want to shade it too much . Also avoid being sloppy. The cheeks are round so it's like shading a shpere, well, two.


Now bind the cheeks with the nose. Use a piece of tissue to smudge every single line. Also, use hard penc.ils, preferably bellow H . I used a 6H .


The mustache is black . The area around it is a light grey .


The beard is also black, whith a very small are off which light is reflected .


Now this area is much much darker, so you'll need darker pencils. Use an 8B or 9B . The eyes are compltetely black, and so are the eyebrows.


The rest is black, all black. You only need some time to make it all black. Be careful around the edge of the mask, you don't want to ruin it.


The background is made using graphite powder , cotton and an eraser.

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October 20, 2013

Description: Hello people! Here's a new tutorial on how to draw V from the awesome movie "V for Vendetta" , well, only the mask. It was made after the face of Guy Fawkes , a dude who tried to blow up the House of Lords in London, 1605. It has also been adopted by the online hacktivist group , Anonymous . It's pretty easy to draw, I hope you'll enjoy it.

#draw famous people #draw real people #how to draw real people #how to draw people #how to draw celebrities
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