How to Draw Twyla, Monster High


You start off this step by drawing the outline of the head, then sketch in the facial guidelines. You will then draw the torso and then move to step two.


Next, sketch out the structure of Twyla's face then sketch in the top portion of the head along with the bangs. Sway the bangs to the left like so, then move to step three.


Use the facial guidelines to draw in the large shapes of the eyes, then draw the thick eyelids so they look like she has a lot of eyeliner on. Draw the eyeballs, then draw in the nose and lips.


Twyla has a very simple style. Draw in some chunks of hair that flow down her shoulder. Draw the shape of her neck, then draw in the earrings and so forth.


Get started with drawing the shoulder, then draw in her arm and sleeve. Sketch in the forearm, then draw the hand. Add the bracelet too.


Let's get some detailing done for her clothes. Add the lining for her shirt, then draw the large bow on her shirt.


Here you will draw out the shape of Twyla's torso and hips like so, then draw in the belt. Add some small amounts of ruffle along the edge of the belt shape, then draw in a small skull style belt buckle. Add detailing to her bracelet too.


For the last drawing step all you have to do is sketch out the long wavy style of her hair, then draw in the end to her shirt which is tied with that belt you just drew. Erase the mistakes and guides as well.


Here is the finished line art when you are all done. Now you can go ahead and color her in using her pale shades.

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November 6, 2013

Description: This sassy looking girl is the daughter of the Boogey Man and she is all color. I love her character design because she has this innocence about her that is sweet and powdery. Up next, we will tackle the task of learning "how to draw Twyla", step by step. She is a bit shy but she is also one of those girls that tries to give her friends some self esteem to have more confidence in themselves. For example, one of her BFF's is Howleen Wolf, and Twyla is always trying to give her some good advice to be more in touch with herself. I had a lot of fun with drawing Twyla, so I hope you do too. Enjoy folks and look for my return later today with some other fun lessons. Adios amigos.

#how to draw monster high characters #how to draw monster high
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