We will begin the first step by drawing the actual shape for Tsum Tsum's head or body shape like so. Leave a gap for the ears.
We will now draw in the small eyes and color them in. Then draw the bump on the nose, and the actual nose. Add the brows and move to step three.
To finish off this lesson we will draw the band around the waist and then draw in the small flaps which are Winnie's legs/paws. Erase whatever mistakes you might have made as well as the guides.
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October 2, 2015
Description: Hidy ho folks and welcome back to a new lesson that will graze the page of Dragoart yet again. Today, I have something for everyone and I will star with this tut on how to draw Tsum Tsum Winnie the Pooh, step by step. Winnie or Pooh Bear has got to be one of the cutest Disney characters ever. He is cute, round and full of love. Drawing this Tsun Tsum version of Winnie is going to be super easy and fun and I think most of you will love the tut. I will be back with more lessons so stay tuned in.