How to Draw Tribal Joker

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Let's start with Joker's left side eye or face. The patch or shape is unevenly lined and jagged. There are small frills that line the bottom edging as you can see here.


Next, draw in the other shape for the right eye outline which is smaller then the left eye.


Up next, slowly start drawing the lining and shapes to form the face shape and jaw outline for Joker. This should also include the mouth, nose, and cheek lining. Add some of the hair off to the right, then draw in the eyes.


For the last step all you have to do is draw in the parted fine textured hair that is wavy and layered. Once that is complete you can start erasing whatever mistakes you made.


Darken all the areas on your drawing the same way you see them done here to complete the tribal art on Joker or Heath Ledger.

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April 8, 2014

Description: Here is another tribal concept based on Heath Ledger's role of the Joker. Up next we will learn "how to draw tribal Joker" or Heath Ledger, step by step. I really like this concept because of the simplicity involved when recreating the face that has been inked on so many bodies, and has been displayed in so many ways. I know to some this may not seem like a tribal piece of art, but if you look at the design you can see why I labeled it 'tribal'. The lining, formation and style is very similar to tribal drawings and because of this drawing the Joker in this style is nothing more then perfect for all artists of all skill levels to tackle. Go ahead and have fun with this tut, I have more lessons coming your way so stay tuned in.

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