How to Draw the Colts Logo
Up next, draw the thickness of the horseshoe to make it look like your typical Irish style horseshoe.
For the last step, just draw or color in the small nail holes. Erase whatever mistakes you might have made.
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February 4, 2015
Description: This is going to be a quick lesson on a logo for a popular football team known as the Indianapolis Colts. Here is the horse show logo which is a lesson on how to draw the Colts, step by step. I am not a fan of football as you all may know, but I did get a kick of the Superbowl last week because it was an intense game. A lot of people thought that the Seattle Seahawks was going to win the Superbowl but in the end the New England Patriots did. Anyways, if you are a Colts fan you should get a kick out of this tut on drawing the Colts logo.