How to Draw Superman From The Lego Movie

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You will begin like you always do; a head, torso and hip outlined guide for your LEGO Superman. A circle for the head, a window shape for the torso, and two stumps.


Define the shape of the torso like so, then skip along to step three.


Since this is a LEGO star, the face shape should be square. Draw in the signature Superman curl along with the hairline that frames the face.


Draw the frowned in brows, then color in the eyes. Add indents to the cheeks, a mouth line and a clef in the chin. There is also two dimples under each eye corner.


Finish drawing the hair, then add that bump for body.


Simply draw the neck shape and collar line for Superman's suit.


Proceed on to drawing the S symbol on the chest, then draw the chest muscles, rib definition, and superhero belt. Those abs almost look like Tatum's.


You can draw the arm and hook style hand, then draw the cape which is just a swoop shape.


Lastly, draw in the two legs simply by defining the leg shapes. Draw the boots and or feet, then draw the other swoop for the left side of the cape. Erase those mistakes you may have made.


Here he is, waiting to be colored in so he can fight crime. Your Superman from The LEGO Movie is all done. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial folks.

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October 6, 2013

Description: So here is the news for this LEGO character in the form of Superman that you're looking at now. This lesson on "how to draw Superman from The LEGO Movie", is going to be super cool if you are a LEGO fanatic. Since 2008 Warner has been sitting on the whole concept for this film. It has been announced that The LEGO Movie will be in theaters sometime in 2014, but they are thinking somewhere in the beginning of the new year. Of course they had to find a voice actor that would almost match what and who Superman stands for if you where to base this person on looks alone. Channing Tatum is supposed to provide his voice talents portraying the Man of Steel. I can see why casting folks would choose Channing; he's tall, chiseled, has a goofy and serious strong look, as well as seeming sweet at the same time. Drawing this LEGO version of Superman should be easy and fun. I will be back with the other two LEGO characters from The LEGO Movie.

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