How to Draw Stephen Hawking, Stephen Hawking

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Start with this oval by drawing it lightly with a No. 2 pencil or my recommended 0.7mm mechanical pencil.


Draw the bisecting line to symmetrically place Stephen Hawking's features.


In this step, draw the crescent shape for his hairline and head mass.


These lines are great guides to draw a. the eyebrows, b. the eyes, c. the nose, and last d. the mouth. Observe closely where his features appear on the guidelines then draw them onto your guidelines as we continue the steps.


Now sketch in his eyebrows, eyeglasses, and eyes. Look closely to see where his eyes fall on the guidelines and notice the bottom of the glasses are a little over halfway down to the next guideline.


Now draw in his nose, smile lines, and mouth.


Draw in his hair. Make sure you observe where his hair falls near the crescent guideline. I'll have a step later on that helps with hairlines.


Pay attention to the placement of his ear, jawline, and chin and how they relate to the guidelines. Now draw them in.


Sketch in his collar and portion of shoulder. If you haven't already, you can erase your guidelines.


I made this line drawing especially for you if you don't want to do the pencil shading and blending part. Otherwise, let us continue to the pencil drawing part.


I didn't want to skip this. The first picture shows how to hold your pencil for Overhand (great for writing & details) and Underhand (great for shading large areas in wide strokes). You can practice tone shading and take it a step further with the To   


Here is how the tools look. I used the 0.7mm 2B mechanical pencil, 9B pencil, tissue, and the blending stump


Best thing you can do when drawing hair is to establish the general shape then work in the main strands of hair by holding your pencil at a 45 degree angle for stroking and coverage. Then, as in the third picture, you can work in more details. But he   


It is always great to shade in your drawing lightly. You can use a circular or diagonal sketching direction to shade his face, hair, shirt collar, and jacket with a 9B pencil very lightly. Use the pencil on it's side as in step 10 for a wider swath (   


It's amazing how your picture will look after blending with a tissue (much like this picture). Still, do not randomly rub over his eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and hair. Another thing, don't draw small. Draw on an A4 (or 8-1/2 by 11) paper size (like    


Here is the finished product. The darkness in his hair (all over), shadows on his face and hair are darkened with the 9B Graphite Pencil. Adding the background and blending it makes this contrast rich and bold for our modern day Einstein, Steve Hawk   

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March 14, 2018

Description: Stephen Hawking, born January 8, 1942) is a British theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author. Among his significant scientific works have been a collaboration with Roger Penrose on gravitational singularities theorems in the framework of general relativity, and the theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation, often called Hawking radiation. (Wikipedia Notes) I would sum that he is our present-day Einstein. Let me know what you think of this tut by commenting, faving or clicking on "Love It"! Peace n love to ya!

#draw famous people #how to draw real people #draw celebrities

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