How to Draw Spaceships, Spaceship
Alright guys, I'm back again with another Great Tutorial in the "How To Draw" Series! This time you get to learn how to draw..... SPACESHIPS!! (nwn) I'm going to reveal to you a very simple and easy secret that will have you creating huge Armadas of
So we start with a few RANDOM shapes, you don't even have to really think about it! just draw a bunch of shapes and fit the ends together like in this step, that's it!
The ONLY things you need to be concerned with in the early stages of development are what areas you will be putting things like Thusters, or Gun Turrets/Missle Pods, maybe Living Quarters, things like that and mark those areas with a small mark to he
There we go! No thought whatsoever went into making these shapes and they will serve our purpose just fine! You can make as MUCH, or LITTLE shapes as you like, in any SHAPE and SIZE you want!
Ya didn't think we were done already did you? There's still a lot more we can do to this baby! So lets add some more shapes to it! Remember to keep it RANDOM and for this go around, you'll want to make them of varying shapes and sizes!
Alright! We got ourselves a base for a MIGHTY Battleship! Now all we have to do is start finalizing this rough sketch with some crisp, clean lines! Now's the time to start plotting where specific details will go, like windows (for living quarters, or
Okay, we're nearing the final stretch! We've finished cleaning up our sketch, NOW WHAT? Don't stop here! Now we begin adding paneling to give our Spaceship that Sci-Fi look!
LOTS AND LOTS OF PANELING!! MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Sorry about all of that guys! It's just me being meticulous, when you're designing paneling for your Spaceships, you don't have to draw that many lines for your paneling, but it does help cover
Remember when I told you to plot out places for things like Weapons and such? Now we start adding weapons to those parts of our Battleship and since our Ship is pretty simple in it's design, we'll add some simple weaponry to get it by! We start with
How was that for Simple and Effective! One Flagship any Admiral would be proud to Command! Next up is an Alien ship, then a Fighter Ship. These will be Quick!
Alien Space Ships... Where do I begin on this one? Well, luckily for you I have some type of idea! When it comes to Alien Ships, "The Weirder, The Better!" So you have a wide variety of things to draw inspiration from, like nature for one! Organic ob
Now we define the Head/Cockpit area to look a little more like a bug with a few SIMPLE, well placed strokes. So far, so good and to help with the Crab features, we'll add some lines to give a "Slight" impression of pincers to the wings of our Alien S
Alright, were almost done! We just need to finalize this one with some crisp lines and that'll be it!
I'll just add some small details here and there and that's all there is to it! Another Spaceship done, with HARDLY any real thought put into it... And I bet you guys thought this would be HARD, huh...? HARD-LY! Last one up is the Fighter Ship!
Okay, I've got just a few slots left for steps, so I'm gonna try and make this quick! (^V^) Just follow these simple steps! We start with the Cockpit, think of this like how we did the Flagship. you start with a large outlined shape and then draw lin
Then, once we have a decent base to work with, we add further details like Weapons, Thrusters, or whatever else we can come up with!
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March 2, 2013
Description: This time you get to learn how to draw..... SPACESHIPS!! (nwn)