How to Draw Sousuke Sagara, Full Metal Panic
Okay gang, lets start by drawing a head shape for Sagara, and then add a facial guideline. Draw the neck and body guide like so before leaving this step.
Begin sketching out the lower portion of the face starting at the left cheek, and then work your way down until you shape out the chin and right side of his face. You will also need to draw in the cross like scar on the lower part of his face almost
Next up, draw in Sagara's messy style hairdo which is full of sharp points and chunks. He has a semi long/short style. His bangs should be drawn in his face just past the eyes.
The only thing you have to do here is draw in Sagara's eyes, and then thicken the lining for his top lids. Once that is done draw the iris' and color in the pupils. Make sure to draw the eyes in an expressive manner like you see here.
Now that his face is all drawn in, you can begin sketching out his torso and or clothing. Start with the upright stiff looking collar. When that is done you can draw the left top part of his arm. Add some wrinkles and creases like so, and then move a
Draw the right arm or sleeve like so, and notice how the sleeve has a lot of folds, and creases. Take your time so the arm comes out neat and precise.
For the last drawing step all you have to do is draw the seam in the front of his jacket which is a zipper. Add detailing around the collar as well as on the shoulder. Clean up your mistakes to prepare your new anime character from Full Metal Panic f
This is the finished drawing when you are all done. You can use the coloring image below as a guide when you begin to color in Sagara for yourself. I hope you had fun.
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March 14, 2012
Description: So this is what I did at the very last moment today that I haven't done in like forever; I was going to write a new blog post for Dragoart and I noticed that there was a poll at the bottom of an old post that I wrote. The poll asked what folks would like to see more of at Drago, and to my surprise the results concluded that most of the people that took part in the poll said that anime is what people want to see more of. So here is a character that I think some of you will enjoy from the manga Full Metal Panic! I will show you guys "how to draw Sagara, or Sousuke Sagara", step by step. He is the main protagonist in all three series of the book, manga, and anime series. His character is supposed to be between the ages of sixteen to seventeen. The series is based in a parallel world during the late twentieth century. In the series the story begin in a place called Heisei which is just an era name to represent a certain time period in Japan. Basically Sagara has been missioned to protect a spirited high school girl from Japan named Kaname Chidori. Sagara is part of an anti-terrorist organization called 'Mithril'. He is an easy character to draw and at first I thought I was going to have a hard time because I haven't drawn any male manga or anime characters in such a long time. After coming to my senses I found that it wasn't that bad drawing Sagara, and I think you guys will enjoy this submission too. I would like to ask you all to give me some feedback as to what anime characters you would like to see tutorials on since I haven't kept up with any of the recent series that is out nowadays. Well, that is all for me, I may or may not upload another lesson. It all depends if I have enough time with the rest of my day. Peace out people and have fun once again.