Hi! Welcome to my tutorial on short hair. Im assuming you know how to draw heads and faces, so I wont be covering that here. Shown here are 3 types of hair. Thin, medium, and thick. When someone has short hair, how it sits is quite often decided by h
Lets start with thin hair. First, draw out the basic head. Take note of how far back the skull comes, while this is important all the time, its especially important in short styles. Draw in the hair line lightly or dotted. This is a good guide.
Now, thin hair is very affected by gravity. Because theres usually no spring in thinner hair, theres no resistance. So find the parting (shown here with a blue X), and draw a line just away from the scalp. But only just, as this hair tends to sit aga
Now add in the bangs. You can have long bangs and still have it considered short hair, because of the back. In this instance, ive added a large cowlick (the parting at the front) to frame the face. While its thin, adding a bit more volume at the fron
Now here you can see the difference in how gravity affects a different type of hair. The hair generally spikes away from the head at the top, but shown by the arrows here, you can see that it eventually ends up going down like the thin hair. Also, se
Add in the fringe. Unlike our first one, i didnt add a heavier front, because the back is heavy enough. Instead, i actually made it a bit thinner, so it sat nicely as contrast to the back.
Now for the thicker hair. This hair is actually quite difficult, so dont worry if it takes a few tries to get it. This hair is sometimes referred to as 'hero hair', meaning alot of action manga/anime heros have this. It gives a boisterous feel. Its a
Take a look at the direction of the hair. Gravity doesnt seem to affect it much. The locks of hair point away from the scalp, in no particular direction. While the other two had a general direction (down) this hairs direction is out. It sits further
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January 17, 2018
Description: A tutorial on 3 different short hair styles and how hair types behave.