How to Draw Wavy, Curly Hair

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Start by drawing in the part, then the fringe. The top back of the hair is quite round. These guidelines show how to draw the shape of curly and wavy hair. They are like rectangles but with a flick on the end. Draw these quite long and getting shorte   


This step is where you add in the shadows of the hair. The hair is most shadowed at the part and where the hair would be behind her shoulder and behind her face. It is also shadowed under sections of hair and under anywhere there is a curl or wave.    


This is where you work out where the lighter parts of the hair will be. They will be along the hair showing the direction of the hair flow, and this step shows where the waves in the hair will be. Putting them in the middle of a curl will add volume.   


This is the step where you blend it to make it look more realistic. There is a diagram on the picture showing how this is done with each base colour having its own lighter colour highlight. You can draw flowing lines like this, to build up realistic    


Now you can add the highlights, these are a lot lighter than the rest of the hair, and they are usually in lines showing where the light reflects off the hair. They give the hair more shape and 3D look and just make the whole drawing look nicer. The   


To make the hair look more curly, just add more flicks and curves. And the more highlighted they are, the curlier it will look. Make sure you add some flicks in the opposite direction to give the hair real movement. Also bring hair through continuing   


With these techniques hopefully you can learn how to draw long hair that is as wavy or as curly as you want it, and also as simple or detailed as will fit your style of drawing. :)

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October 5, 2010

Description: Tutorial for long wavy and curly hair. This useful tutorial shows techniques for drawing wavy and curly hair. These techniques can be used for many styles of drawing, including realistic and manga/anime styles, depending on how you use the techniques.

#draw hair #how to draw hair #how to draw a hairstyle #draw hairstyles

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