How to Draw Romeo and Juliet


Draw the oval and profile guide lightly with a No.2 or HB pencil. Make sure you draw it as seen in the picture. As they are not the perfect egg and circle shapes.


Now draw in the bisecting line to balance Romeo's facial features.


Sketch lightly the crescent red lines for Romeo's hair line and head mass.


You can draw in the lines a. for eyebrows, b. for eyes, c. for nose, d. for mouth, and e. for shoulders.


Now draw Romeo's eyebrows, eyes, and nose. Of course, add in Juliet's eyebrows and eyes.


Observe where Romeo and Juliet's features appear in relation to the guidelines. Draw in the his forehead, side of face and mouth. Also sketch in Juliet's profile which includes her forehead, nose, mouth and chin. Adjust where you have to, to get that   


Watch closely Romeo's jawline and how it relates to the guidelines. As you draw, you will have more accuracy. Now sketch in his ear, jawline, chin. Also draw in Juliet's hair. Use those long strokes for her hair sloping down.


Here's where you can focus better on Romeo's hair. Like Juliet's, use those long strokes for his hair sloping down. Try staying close to the lines that represent the direction of his hair. This will help as you shade it in.


If you haven't already, you can erase your guidelines. Also finish his neck and shirt.


I made this line drawing especially for you if you don't want to do the pencil shading and blending part. Otherwise, let us continue to the pencil drawing part.


Here is the outline done with a 0.7mm mechanical pencil. Look closely and see if your lines look something like this. You can erase if certain areas like the eyes or nose don't line up. Be patient with this, it's not as complicated as you may think.    


This time Acrylics has won! Sandpaper, the new kid on the block has to take a back seat to my wonderful Titanium White for HIGHLIGHTS! Yaaaa! Try it, you'll like it!


The picture that goes with this step shows two different ways to hold your pencil to acquire certain effects. OVERHAND: Holding a sharpened pencil in normal writing form with fingers in the middle or near the lead gives you great control and thin/det   


PENCIL STROKES & TONE, SHADING, TEXTURE -- For your convenience, I have inserted this step with different pencils, strokes to use. And you can study the shapes that make up this drawing universe, along with tone, shading, and texture.


The picture here is a great exercise for value shading. I've got a little secret tip for you to make things easier. You can download this to your desktop. First click on the picture to have access to full size. By right clicking on your mouse, you ca   


After printing out a number of the above template, practice shading in the values like this picture. You become familiar with this shading technique that gives you more control and confidence.


Best thing you can do when drawing hair is to establish the general shape then work in the main strands of hair by holding your pencil at a 45 degree angle for stroking and coverage. Then, as in the third picture, you can work in more details. But he   


This is the first start. This is where you would sketch in small circles or lines to shade the areas. It would take hours upon hours to cover all that area with a pencil. I chose to shade with pastels. In a few strokes I've got area coverage. Applied   




I sketched in darker with my 0.7mm mechanical and 9B pencil their eyelashes, eyebrows & mouth. I placed my 9B pencil flat and barely touching the paper went over the darker side of his face. Between the shadowed hair strands, I used the point of the    


For the background, I used my charcoal gray pastel stick in the very dark areas. I lightened on the right-hand side with medium to light gray pastels.


I have to say this...OH, I'M GLAD I'M FINISHED... how about you? This was one heck of a drawing experience. I took the pure white opaque watercolor and added highlights to their hair strands. TIP: If you find the white opaque stands out too harshly,    


Without highlights, your picture would have a flat appearance. Click on this picture to learn how to make your own picture POP out!


Click on this picture to see how Tone, Shading, Texture, and Reflective Light affects Romeo and Juliet played amazingly by Leonardo Dicaprio and Claire Danes, both who are powerful actors! I am closing out now. But you all have been wonderful and it    

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April 2, 2012

Description: Years ago when I watched this movie, I didn't like. This time for the tutorial, I loved it. I guess we change. The star studded cast, Leonardo DiCaprio won Favorite Actor and Claire Danes won Favorite Actress in a Romance at the 1997 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards. At the 1997 MTV Movie Awards, Danes won Best Female Performance. DiCaprio was nominated for Best Male Performance, and DiCaprio and Danes were both nominated for Best Kiss and Best On-Screen Duo. (Info by Wikepedia). I hope you have enjoyed "How to Draw Romeo and Juliet." Go ahead, don't be shy--show me your love, comment, and fav. Thank you all for your support. Much hugs and love to you.

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