You can draw in the lines a. for eyebrows, b. for eyes, c. for nose, d. for mouth, and e. for shoulders.
This time sketch in the left side of her face (facing you), chin, jawline, and neck. Don't forget the little earring and part of her ear. Take your time to draw in her neck and the pearls.
Take all the time you need to draw in her hair. Structure in those tiny curved lines that look evenly spaced. Use about an hour or two to sketch in a good foundation for her hair. If you get frustrated, take a break or come back to it the next day. R
If you haven't already, you can erase your guidelines. Also finish drawing her shoulders and wrap or gown.
I made this line drawing especially for you if you don't want to do the pencil shading and blending part. Otherwise, let us continue to the pencil drawing part.
Here is the outline done with a 0.7mm mechanical pencil. Look closely and see if your lines look something like this. You can erase if certain areas like the eyes or nose don't line up. Be patient with this, it's not as complicated as you may think.
This time Acrylics has won! Sandpaper, the new kid on the block has to take a back seat to my wonderful Titanium White or Opaque White Watercolors for HIGHLIGHTS! Yaaaa! Try it, you'll like it!
The picture that goes with this step shows two different ways to hold your pencil to acquire certain effects. OVERHAND: Holding a sharpened pencil in normal writing form with fingers in the middle or near the lead gives you great control and thin/det
PENCIL STROKES & TONE, SHADING, TEXTURE -- For your convenience, I have inserted this step with different pencils, strokes to use. And you can study the shapes that make up this drawing universe, along with tone, shading, and texture
The picture here is a great exercise for value shading. I've got a little secret tip for you to make things easier. You can download this to your desktop. First click on the picture to have access to full size. By right clicking on your mouse, you ca
After printing out a number of the above template, practice shading in the values like this picture. You become familiar with this shading technique that gives you more control and confidence.
For the benefit of my confidence, I went over her hair and sketched in the shading so I wouldn't lose the details. I resorted to sketching in the details with my 0.7mm (Fine Lead) trusty mechanical pencil. I also shaded her eyebrows, eyes, nose, jawl
With my blending stump, I smoothed out the sketch lines and added more depth to her hair, eyebrows, and lips with my 7mm (HB lead) and 6B graphite pencils. I took tissue paper and blended her facial area and hair.
This is the first start with the pastel application. If you do the whole picture in a pencil sketch, this is where you would sketch in small circles or lines to shade the areas. It would take hours upon hours to cover all that area with a pencil. I c
Here I used my blending stump to "draw" in more lines, add more shading to her eyes, hair, face, lips, jewelry, neck and shoulders. The white areas on her hair nose and pearls I simply did not shade. So I used my "kneaded" eraser on her shoulders whe
I covered my background with black pastel and the lattice or stripes with medium gray. I smoothed the background with a blending stump. I took my Kneaded Eraser and cleaned up any dulled white areas. With the 9B Graphite Crayon, I darkened the backgr
"Faint!" I have finally FINISHED!!! Basically, I added more highlights with Opaque Watercolor to the catch lights in her eyes, added more light stray hairs and shine, gave a little shine on her lower lip. Also I added some white to the jewelry in sma
Without highlights, your picture would have a flat appearance. Click on this picture to learn how to make your own picture POP out!
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April 7, 2012
Description: Grace Kelly (November 12, 1929 – September 14, 1982) was an American actress who, in April 1956, married Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, to become Princess consort of Monaco, styled as Her Serene Highness The Princess of Monaco, and commonly referred to as Princess Grace. She starred in five films, including The Country Girl, in which she gave a deglamorized, Academy Award-winning performance. She retired from acting at 26 to enter upon her duties in Monaco. (Notes from Wikepedia.) This actress is, was, whatever, so beautiful to me until I took my time to draw her. Her hair immaculate with every strand in place, her face smooth like silk with her neck adorned in pearls. She was flawless. . I'm hoping you can learn to draw from this tutorial and find it helpful. Please show you love, fav and comment. You know I like to answer back. Everyone... peace & joy to you with love!